
Saturday 28 December 2019

SLJ - Wk 2 - Day 5 Jane Fonda

Today's blog is about Jane Fonda.

Friday 27 December 2019

SLJ - Wk2 - Day 4 Wise words

SLJ - Wk2 - Day 5 Everyday Heros

Todays blog I am going to tell you 5 ways I can help people in NSW Australia, affected by fires.  


These are my brainstorm ideas to help people in Australia affected by the fires.

I could:
1st Send them clothes and an iPhone.  Because these are things that would of been burnt in a fire.
2nd Send them some of their favourite books.  This will help them to think about other things than the fire.
3rd I could make them some cards with beautiful pictures and words to make them feel happy.
4th I could sell some plants.  Then I could send the money to people who have pets that need food.
5th I could have a lemonade stand at school to raise money.  This money could go towards buying the fire fighters ice-blocks to cool them down.

I think when people are going through a lot it is nice to find ways to help them.

Have you ever given someone something? What was it?  Did they enjoy it? And why did you give them it?

Thursday 26 December 2019

SLJ - Wk2 - Day 4 Celebrating Diversity

Today on my blog I will tell you the name of two groups that interest me. I will then tell you at least two facts about each group.

Aboriginal origins
About 70,000 years ago people left Africa for Australia, which would make Aboriginal Australians the oldest population of humans living outside Africa.

The Stolen Generations
Between 1910 and 1970 the government said that Aboriginal people had to be the same as English people.  They took Aboriginal children from their parents and gave them to  English families to raise.  

I think it would be sad to be kidnapped away from my parents and not be able to speak my language anymore!

Mayan Languages
There are 30 Mayan languages.  These words sound the same in all of the languages: 

Important things
These things are important to Mayan people:
Respect of Elders
Being Observers of the Sun, Moon and Stars

I really like corn on the cob.  We sometimes grow it in our garden at home

What are important things to you in your culture? 

Wednesday 25 December 2019

SLJ - Wk2 - Day 3 The right to an education

Today I have to write a short story.  It can be about anything I wish.
I've chosen to write a story using my Next Generation dolls.  My sister gave me a Doctor doll for Christmas.

I found it was easier to think of a story to write about when I used my dolls to create the story first.  It was fun to play with them.

How do you came up with stories to write about?  What would your story be about if you had to write one?

...Some Bees can't fly...

This story begins with Miss Ginger.  Miss Ginger is with her teenager, called Royal Bee.  Royal Bee is 18 years old and likes gold and black things, she also likes to dance.  Watch out for her high heels, she uses them to sting people.

"Where's my other earring?"  asked Royal Bee.  "Go and look in your tree house" said Miss Ginger.
As Royal Bee was climbing up the ladder to her tree house, the ladder broke.  Royal Bee fell to the ground, hurting her arm badly.

Miss Ginger screamed, because her child fell out of a tree.  Thinking it may help, Royal Bee was given some sparkly silver glasses.  Royal Bee was so angry, as angry as a wild bear.  

Grabbing Royal Bee by the leg, Miss Ginger dragged her daughter to the doctors office, which was right next door.  They got a free passage to the doctors being so close.

The doctors name is Miss Helen.  Miss Ginger left Royal Bee with her and went home.
Miss Helen asked Royal Bee to lay down on the special bed in her doctors room.  "Lets go through the basic tests and then we'll see if you need an xray for your arm".
With all the testing over, Royal Bee did need an xray.

Going to the x-ray room, Royal Bees arm was x-rayed.  Her whole hand was broken really badly.  Dr Helen took other x-rays too showing a lot of broken parts in Royal Bees body.  When Royal Bee was bandaged up she was able to go home.

Royal Bee was so happy to have a Doctor like Doctor Helen.  Royal Bee was given her xrays to take home, she put them on her bedroom wall.      

Monday 23 December 2019

SLJ - Wk2 - Day 2 A long walk to freedom

  Today's post is about Mr Mandela and his time in prison.
I needed to describe what it would be like for Mr Mandela in prison, by writing a diary.

Dear Diary,
Today in prison is pretty miserable.  It is my birthday and they won't even give me anything special to eat.  They are just giving me plain food to eat.
I am stuck in this cell for more than an hour and I am only sleeping on a straw mat.  I feels very uncomfortable and itchy.  I feels like 50 million spiders are crawling up my back.
I feel sad because I can't go to any ones funeral and say goodbye to them.  

I have learnt that it is not always the best to be in prison.  I feel sorry for him for being in prison for 18 years.
I think the people who put him in prison would be terrified about what Mr Mandela would do to them, when he became Prime MInister.

What would you miss if you couldn't go home for 18 years?p

SLJ - Wk2 - Day 1 Maths with Peas

Todays blog I had to write about how many years until I'm 25 using maths.  
So what I did was take pictures of me doing my maths which is counting peas. 
This is what my answer turned out to be.
  • How many years until you are 25?

Sunday 22 December 2019

SLJ - Wk 2 - Day 1 Dear Jacinda

Today's blog is about writing a letter to Jacinda the Prime Minister.
On this blog post I had to write about what's important to me and tell Jacinda what I want her to do about it.

I really like the idea that I came up with.  It is so cool to have a kid Prime Minister.
Do you think you would vote for me?

SLJ - Wk 2 - Day 1 - Three favorite things

Today's blog is about my three favourite things.  
I have photos of myself doing them.
My first favourite thing is Swimming.  
My second favourite thing is being on my device.  
My third favourite thing is painting.

What are your three favourite things and why?

I like Swimming because:
It's fun, to do when you are bored.
You can go on pool floaties - I have a flamingo.
I go to Kings Swim School.  I like to play games their like floating mushrooms.  I like how you can move up levels so things get more challenging.  Carla is my favourite teacher.

I like going on my devices because:
You can do anything in the world on them, like play games and watching YouTube.
At school we do writing and reading on them.
They are fun.
I like sitting on my big couch the most while on my devices.
Some of my favourite games on my devices are; Unicorn 3D paint, Animal Jam (both of them), and Cat Simulator.

I like painting because you don't need a lot of materials to do it.
You can choose any colours you like - just like a real artist.
You get to choose what you want to paint,  No one else gets to tell you what to do.
There is so much goodness in painting,  The colours you can choose are so cool.

Saturday 21 December 2019

SLJ - Wk 1 - Day 4 Hawaii Poster

Today I had to create a travel poster for a country of my choice.  On the poster, I have to include lots of great tips about what to see and do in the country. I chose Hawaii.  I chose Hawaii because one day I want to go there.

After making the poster, I want to go surfing to most.

Have you been to Hawaii before, and has my poster made you want to go?

SLJ - Wk 1 - Day 1 - SPCA

Todays blog is about the SPCA.  The SPCA stands for 'Society for the Provention of Cruelty to Animals'.  This means that a group of people have come together to say that you can't be mean to animals anymore, and that if you are, your animal can be taken off you and sometimes you have to pay a lot of money or even go to jail.

I have learnt that the SPCA have helped 40 thousand animals in a year in New Zealand.  I have also learnt that the SPCA have given 2.5 thousand schools access to free education resources.  The last fact is that 29.6 thousand are desexed and microchipped.  When animals are microchipped it shows who the owner is and that way when a pet is lost it can be returned.

I have 1 cat and 2 dogs that are microshipped.  Have you ever got an animal from the SPCA?  Are the animals you have microchipped?

I wonder if the SPCA also helps out bees, bears and other wild critters?

Friday 20 December 2019

SLJ - Wk1 - Day 5 What is important to me...

Todays blog I needed to write about 3 things that are important to me,
I also need to say why they are important. 

The first thing that is important to me is having fun.  Having fun makes you feel happy, and you can do it anywhere in the world.
The second thing that is important to me is drawing.  Drawing is useful, and you can do it when you're bored.  
The third thing that is important to me is shopping.  You can buy anything in the world, you can even buy a car.  You can buy animals, like puppys and kittens.  I hope for Christmas I get a whole box of real life kittens.

It is fun to learn what is important to me, because I liked looking for pictures to put on my blog, pretending I was a penguin.

If you could be any animal in the world, what would it be and why?

Thursday 19 December 2019

SLJ - Wk 1 - Day 5 Ann Ann makes me believe I can

Todays blog is about Ann Bancroft. she was an explorer who changed the world.  

Many years ago women weren't allowed to do much.  Ann  is showing girls they can do 
anything they want to do.  Its cool shes doing this.

Have you inspired someone before?

Wednesday 18 December 2019

SLJ - Wk1 - Day 4 Serena Williams facts

Serena Williams was born in September 26 1981 in Saginaw, Michigan.

Serena was a famous tennis player.

She learnt how to play tennis at the age of 3.

Why did she want to play tennis?

SLJ - Wk1 - Day 2 Two aviators

Todays blog I needed to compare and contrast these two aviators.
This is what I found out about them.
I think they were brave to fly for hours and hours alone.
Have you done something by yourself you are proud of?

SLJ - Wk1 - Day 4 Name change

Sunday 1 December 2019

All About Lorde summer learning journey Lucy steele

today we learnt about the summer learning journey and on the summer learning journey we blog over the summer holidays.

I used the summer learning journey to learn new facts

have you done something simala to this?

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Bumpus Jumpus dinosaurumpus

Today miss W read us a story it's called Bumpus Jumpus Dinosaurumpus. Then we had to make a biteable to tell everyone about it. It was hard because you had to think of tons of things to put on it.

Have you ever read a book like this dinosaur book?
bumpus jumpus dinorumpus on Biteable.

Sunday 1 September 2019

my speech

Hi my name is Lucy. 
Brrr!! it’s so horrible and cold outside. I hear that so often as I arrive at school during winter. I think to myself, winter’s not horrible, winter is great , there is so much you can do!

Firstly you can go ice skating.  I like ice skating because you can do tricks on the ice, like doing the caterpillar and making bubbles.  Here in Christchurch, you can go to Alpine Ice skating rink. If you want to try ice skating outside, you can go to  Lake Lyndon.  Even here at school you can have fun stomping on icy puddles and writing your name on icy seats with your fingers.

The second great thing about winter is when it snows.   I love the snow.    You can make a snowman, a snow angel and have a snowball fight.   These are all fun things to do with your family and friends.
If you want to you can even travel to a ski field like Mt Hutt and try skiing or snowboarding. When you get really good you can  try out for the Winter Olympics.  How cool would that be, to get a gold medal.     

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lastly, once you have finished playing outside, you can have hot drinks, yum!! Hot chocolate with marshmallows are delicious!  They will warm you up.

Now you know why I think winter is not horrible, there is just so many things you can do.

Thank you for listening to my speech.   

Sunday 18 August 2019

My First Venngage!!!!

Today miss Morgan showed us a new programme called Venngage! We had a small amount of time to make a poster about our favourite things. Mine is was finished in time!!!! On my poster i had a lot of things they are puppys, cupcakes , hearts, bunnies, cats, unicorns, crowns, bowls, computer and flowers. And my background I love so much because I love those colours so so much.

Sunday 9 June 2019

shout out to my buddy

a story about unicorns and a sea unicorn called wave

Wow I found a unicorn, she is so, so amazing.  I can keep her, she is a sea unicorn.
Maybe she is magic?   Let me see if she is magical by doing some tests.   First I will hold a cup of water in my hand, very high.  Then I will say 'come and get it girl'.  When I am running really fast away from her I will be able to see if she can use her magic to get the water.  Maybe she will go invisible, maybe she will use her magic to speed run in front of me to get the water.
Once I finished testing her it turned out she was magical.  She was able to magically poof everywhere.  She is very clever.
Mmm what can I call my sea unicorn?  Maybe I can call her wave the
sea unicorn. I think she would like that.
When I am outside and see what she loves to play with.  The only thing she likes is a sea bone and her food like, seaweed also a lot of water. wow.
She drank a lot of water today, maybe I can drive her to a pool or a river tomorrow to play in.
Wave said she would really like to do that.  So it's a trip to the pool